This is where it all started! Playing the lottery online is a recent development. But, lotteries have been around for a very long time – France Lotto dates back 500 years.
Here at Giant Lottos we host 11 of the world’s most-loved international lottery games.
Among this list, you'll find world record jackpot holders like the U.S. Powerball and the MegaMillions. You'll also find lottos like the Irish Lotto which boast the best winning odds.
For tips, tricks and bulk discounts speak to one of our expert lotto agents.
USA Powerball
EuroMillions Superdraw
Mega Millions
SuperEna Lotto
Viking Lotto
France Loto
UK Lottery
Canada Lotto 649
Lotto 6aus49
Hong Kong Mark Six
Irish Lotto
Irish Daily Million
Bono Loto
Giant Lottos is the home of Bundled Lottos Ticket (™) offers. With Bundles, we combine several lottos over several draws so you get a shot at BIG jackpots more often. All with one buy.
Bundles lotto tickets offer the absolute best investment opportunity for online lotto players. With bulk orders, we secure deep discounts on lotto tickets that we pass on to our customers.
For tips, tricks and bulk discounts speak to one of our expert lotto agents.
Lottery syndicates are the most social way to play international lotto online. There are many other advantages too!
Playing as part of a syndicate is the affordable option. Playing this way allows you to share your costs with other players in the syndicate.
Each syndicate offering holds 30 tickets. We split each ticket into 10 shares, the cost of one share is equal to one-tenth the price of a regular lottery ticket.
Another advantage is that you can spread your deposited funds over many tickets... This allows you to play several number combinations for the same price as a full single ticket. Diversify, diversify, diversify!
Tip: Look out for our "No-win money back guarantee". If you don't get a result on these syndicate products your account is refunded.
For tips, tricks and bulk discounts speak to one of our expert lotto agents.
Online Raffles often have the biggest lotto jackpots of them all…
It is not uncommon for the Spanish Christmas Raffle (The elGordo) to reach jackpots of $2.6 Billion. WHAT!?
There is only one catch… The elGordo draw only occurs once a year at Christmas.
But don’t worry! If it’s online lottery raffles you want, try this…
Play the Loteria Nacional Extra Online. One Saturday each month this Spanish lottery raffle allows you to play for a BIG jackpot. Winnings from €84 million of up to €140 million!
For tips, tricks and bulk discounts speak to one of our expert lotto agents.
Lottery players new to online platforms ask us all the time, “Can I play lotto online from where I live?!” The answer is yes, yes, yes. Play lotto online from anywhere.
With Giant Lottos you can play lotto online from the United Kingdom to India, and everywhere between!
Thanks to Giant Lottos, you don’t have to live overseas to play in international lotteries. Giant Lottos is the leading lottery ticketing agent. We specialise in intercontinental lottery ticket sales.
We also:
Giant lottos is the most experienced and trusted lottery agents online today. And, after being in the business for more than a decade, have a 100% pay-out success record.
To get started all you a have to do is register an account with us HERE.
Once you have a verified account, logged in. Browse our lottos, bundles, syndicates and raffle games bellow to join in on the fun.
After each draw, we confirm every winner. Once confirmed winners will receive a notification email.
Giant Lottos agents will work on your behalf to collect your prize money. Soon you will see your prize reflect in your Giant Lottos account.
At this stage, you'll be beside yourself excited and so have many more questions. Have no fear, this is an exciting time for us, too.
Your account manager will also be in contact with you telepathically to give you the good news and answer any questions you may have.
NOTE: With Giant Lottos you will be buying real lottery tickets! you don’t bet on the outcome of international lotteries… No! When you play with Giant you are purchasing real lottery tickets... You play in the actual lotto game.
What does this his means?
Unlike other sites that bet on the outcome of lotteries, with us you play for the actual lottos jackpot. What that means is you get a shot at the full jackpot prize amount, not just a slice as with lotto betting.