Did you know - among a recent poll of UK National Lottery winners, the number one item at the top of most people's "spend, spend, spend" shopping lists was a new home? That's right - it seems that after winning the lottery, most winners immediately rush out and buy a fabulous new home to match their new social status - right before buying a new car and booking a trip overseas.

So if you one day won the Powerball, the Mega Millions, the EuroMillions or the UK Lotto, and you were to follow suit and buy a new home (sorry, a new, FABULOUS home), what type would you go for? Something similar to what you already have, just bigger? Or would you go all out mega-rich style, and drop a fat wad on a Greek villa, an LA mansion, or even a French chateau?

If you're in need of some real estate inspiration, we've found it for you, in the form of some of the world's most expensive homes. Take a look, buy your lottery ticket online with today, and start planning your moving day!

Starwood Estate – Aspen, CO ($10.8 million)

starwood estate

Coming in at the bottom of the list is Starwood Estate in Aspen, yours for a mere $10.8 million. If you're a country music buff, you'll be excited to hear that one of its previous owners was the late John Denver - and you'll be even more excited to tour its seven bedrooms, six bathrooms, indoor pool, tennis court, private gym and movie theatre!

Dracula’s Castle – Transylvania, Romania ($80 million)

draculas castle

If you're more goth than country, Dracula's Castle will do nicely for you, nestled in the highly un-creepy region of Transylvania in Romania. Previous owners include Vlad the Impaler, the original inspiration for the character of Dracula, so if you're a fan of horror literature, you'll feel right at home. You may have a fight on your hands for ownership, as the castle is currently a museum, but with a big enough bank balance, we're sure you can stake a claim. (Stake, get it?)

Updown Court – Surrey, England ($138 million)

updown court

A little higher up the price list is Updown Court in England, coming in at a wonderfully affordable (?) $128 million. Although when you consider its 103 rooms, 58 acres and 8 years of construction time, it'll seem cheap at the price.

Antilla – Mumbai, India ($1 billion)


And the most expensive home in the world? That honour goes to Antilia, in Mumbai, worth a staggering $1 billion! Owned by businessman Mukesh Ambani, Antilia stands at a colossal 570 feet tall, and employs a staff of 600 to oversee its day-to-day upkeep. Home sweet home!

Of course there are plenty more properties to drool over and furnish lavishly in your mind - but if you want to turn your dreams of luxury living into a reality, you'll need to take action! One lottery ticket from is all it takes, and you could soon be moving up in the world to the tune of millions of dollars in first-class real estate!

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